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The marketing industry evolves quickly, and for many business leaders, trying to keep up may feel like drinking from a fire hose. But with the right research, team and mindset, there can be predictability in your marketing strategies. Guaranteed marketing outcomes are within reach, but you must first get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Learning how to embrace change is a fundamental aspect of the journey toward guaranteed marketing outcomes, and there’s no one better to lead the way than you. I encourage you to challenge established norms and question traditional approaches to marketing. To truly embrace change, you—as a marketing leader or CEO—must be willing to:

  • Challenge the comfort zone: It’s instinctive to stick to what’s familiar and comfortable. However, achieving guaranteed outcomes often requires stepping outside of this comfort zone. It means acknowledging that the familiar may not always be the most effective approach.
  • Redefine success: Traditional success metrics will no longer suffice. Instead of measuring success solely by the number of leads or clicks generated, consider a more comprehensive view, such as the gross profit your company generates from new customers and their likely lifetime value. (Read a real case study about what can happen when you embrace this new marketing model with open arms.)
  • Foster a culture of innovation: Revolution thrives in environments that encourage innovation. Encourage your team to explore new ideas, experiment with different strategies, and be open to calculated risks.

Fear often accompanies the concept of guarantees in marketing. It’s the fear of commitment, the fear of falling short, and the fear of accountability. However, this fear can be a powerful motivator for excellence. To overcome the fear of guarantees, be sure to:

  • Set realistic expectations: Guarantees don’t mean promising the impossible. They mean committing to achievable, data-backed outcomes.
  • Leverage fear as motivation: Rather than letting fear paralyze your team, use it as a source of motivation. The fear of failing to meet guarantees can drive your team to push boundaries and deliver exceptional results.
  • Build trust through transparency and communication: Build trust by maintaining transparency with your internal team. Communicate your commitment to generating guaranteed marketing outcomes, explain the 12 BattlesTM Framework used to arrive at those predictable targets, and outline the support you’re willing to put behind the effort.

On our Battle Reader Hub, you can find a deep dive into the 12 BattlesTM Framework using real-life examples of both successes and cautionary tales, as well as actionable steps to guide you through your marketing revolution. They are not standalone concepts but interconnected elements of a holistic approach to marketing excellence. Embracing and implementing these elements within your organization will pave the way for guaranteed marketing outcomes. 

Are you ready to start a revolution?

By Lori Turner-Wilson, RedRover CEO/Founder, Internationally Best-Selling Author of The B2B Marketing RevolutionTM: A Battle Plan for Guaranteed Outcomes

Taking Action

Leveraging fear as motivation is one of hundreds of best practices found in The B2B Marketing RevolutionTM: A Battle Plan for Guaranteed Outcomes the playbook that middle-market B2B CEOs and marketing leaders lean on to scale. Backed by a groundbreaking research study, this book offers time-tested best practices, indispensable KPIs for benchmarking, insights on where your dollars are best spent, and, above all, the proven 12 BattlesTM Framework for generating guaranteed marketing outcomes. The B2B Marketing RevolutionTM is a battle-hardened approach to becoming an outcomes-first leader who’s ready to shake up the status quo, invest in high-payoff market research and optimization, and — yes — even torch what’s not serving your endgame. Download more than 50 templates, scripts and tools from the book on the Battle Reader Hub.

If you’d like to talk about how to build a marketing engine that delivers predictable results — whether you want to build it yourself or tag in our team to lead the way — we’d be delighted to help you get started. Just book a call with Jee Vahn Knight, our VP of Strategy. 

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