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IN TODAY’S INCREASINGLY competitive world, it’s vital to know your audience and what language resonates with it the most. Savvy sales professionals are able to identify a buyer’s preferences within minutes, predicting what will influence his decision to buy. If you can access this powerful information, you can tailor your pitch accordingly and close more sales. There are five distinct buyer “types” — the financial buyer, the technical buyer, the user buyer and the executive buyer, and if you’re lucky, you’ll also meet the champion buyer as well. The financial buyer is most concerned about price, since he is typically in control of the budget. Often, he is also the final decision maker. At times, he may be willing to sacrifice quality to get a good deal. This buyer often asks about the return on his investment, so be prepared to answer questions about ROI. The technical buyer usually influences the purchasing decision, but he generally doesn’t make the final call. Instead, the real decision maker asks him to find options and make recommendations. Due to his unique perspective, he may have his own objectives, which differ from the decision maker’s.

The technical buyer wants to ensure that what you’re offering is the correct technical solution, and that it won’t cause him added headaches. The user buyer is likely the one who will actually use your product in his daily routine, and his primary interest is how your product or service will help him do his job. User buyers often ask about technical support, or request to speak to other users about their experiences. The executive buyer often has the final say. First and foremost, he is interested in how your offering will help the company advance its strategic goals, generate more profit, grow sales or drive more customers. Executive buyers will ask how your product or service will help them compete in the marketplace more effectively. Occasionally, one of these four buyer types may transition into the role of champion that is so impressed by your product or service that he begins to advocate on your behalf within the company. You may sway an already supportive buyer into a champion by simply explaining that you need his help. Champions may request your help to overcome internal obstacles. Often, they will provide insight into key issues, schedules and the competition. More often than not, multiple buyer types will be involved with complex or expensive purchases. Identify each type of buyer, and then adjust your sales pitch to ensure its relevant and compelling for each particular audience.