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BREAKOUT PREWORK | B2B Marketing Revolution: Your Battle Plan
Approximately what percent of revenue are you investing in marketing this year (not including staff salaries)?
Which of the following research efforts have you invested in over the past three years in support of your marketing plan? (Select all that apply.)
Which of the following most closely aligns with your marketing return on investment last year? (For every dollar that you spent on marketing, what did you generate in return. 1:1 is break even. 2:1 means you earned $2 for every $1 invested.)
Approximately what does it cost you to acquire a new customer?
Which of the following do you include in your “cost to acquire a new customer” calculation? (Select all that apply.)
How many years does a new customer stay with you on average?
If you don’t know, enter unknown or n/a
Does your marketing team use attribution modeling to determine which prospect touchpoint should earn the credit for a new sale?
Is your current marketing team – whether internal or external – able to predict its outcomes within a 5% margin of error?
Select your level of agreement with the following statement: A significant portion of my marketing team’s total compensation (whether an internal or external team) is tied to their performance?