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More commonly asked questions

B2B marketing is full of challenges—finding the right answers shouldn’t be one of them. That’s why we’ve compiled the most frequently asked questions to help you navigate through the maze with ease.

Whether you’re sniffing around for insights on our services, curious about how the guarantee works, or wondering why you need market research at all, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve provided you with a curated collection of the most frequent questions we encounter.

Didn’t find what you were looking for? Reach out to us directly, and we’ll be more than happy to help you track down the information you need.

Working With RedRover

How do I know if my company is a good fit?

Bottom line, if you and your leadership team are growth minded, embrace change, and believe that trust and candor are essential in any good partnership, then you’re probably a good fit for one of our paths to partnership.

What does it mean to be a full-service marketing agency?

Good to see you! We’re often asked, what does it mean when you say you’re a full-service agency? It means that we offer the full array of services that growing middle-market B2B companies need including the full suite of digital marketing services, branding, paid media, public relations, content production, website development, search-engine optimization, event marketing, and sales enablement.


If you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to reach out at We’d be delighted to assist.

About Our Guarantee

Do you really guarantee your outcomes?

Yes, for clients who engage with us for our signature GO plan or growth optimization planning service. This is where we conduct deep market research that informs our team’s development of your highly tailored marketing strategy that comes with projected investment, projected break-even point, and projected return on investment. If we miss your projected ROI target in a given quarter by 10%, we credit 10% of your professional fees back on your next quarter’s invoices. You don’t have to ask for it. We automatically initiate the credit. It’s that simple. We do give ourselves the opportunity to earn that credit back before the end of the plan year by hitting the annual projection, because we never stop grinding for you!

If you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to reach out at We’d be delighted to assist.

How are you able to guarantee your outcomes?

RedRover is led by financially minded analytics with deep backgrounds in marketing strategy who partner with breakthrough creatives to drive bottom-line outcomes. We have a proven framework perfected over 18 years beginning with deep market-research that informs a customized strategy we have the confidence and conviction to guarantee. We leverage a disciplined strategy optimization process – aggressively split-testing countless variables to drive peak performance. Our structure, with leadership over Client Outcomes and Client Strategy, guarantees a focus on impactful results and clear accountability. Weekly, the full team deeply analyzes client outcomes, ensuring a laser focus on client ROI. And, we hire, reward and promote based on pack member contributions to client outcomes.

If you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to reach out at We’d be delighted to assist.

Is the guarantee a satisfaction guarantee?

It is decidedly not a satisfaction guarantee. Why? Because a satisfaction guarantee puts the oneness on you, the client, to voice your dissatisfaction and advocate for your money back. For clients who engage with us for our signature GO plan or growth optimization planning service, where we conduct deep market research that informs our team’s development of your highly tailored marketing strategy, we offer a specific guaranteed marketing ROI.

How does the guarantee work?

If we miss your projected ROI target in a given quarter by 10%, we credit 10% of your fees back on your next quarter’s invoices. You don’t have to ask for it. We automatically initiate the credit. It’s that simple. We do give ourselves the opportunity to earn that credit back before the end of the plan year by hitting the annual projection, because we never stop grinding for you!

If you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to reach out at We’d be delighted to assist.

How do you get your projections for ROI?

Accurately projecting the performance of your marketing strategies is a process combining historical analysis of your past marketing performance, industry benchmarks, and, where needed, strategic testing—all of which is vetted against the market research insights we gather for you as part of GO Plan or growth optimization planning project. We then establish a modest margin of error based on the stability and predictability of your industry. For a stable industry like commercial real estate, the margin of error might be narrow such as 5 or 10%, reflecting the generally predictable nature of the market. For a dynamic industry like renewable energy, where market conditions can change rapidly and often unpredictably, we’d set a wider margin of error, such as 10 or 20 percent.

By the time we’re done delivering your GO Plan findings and plan to you, we’ll be sharing quarterly projections for MQLs, SQLs, incremental revenue, incremental gross profit and MROI or marketing return on investment. And it’s the latter of these metrics that we guarantee.

Our Research

Why do I need market research at all?

Based on my experience over the last three decades, most people reading this book are wasting 60 percent of their marketing investment a year. If you spend $100,000 annually on marketing, that’s $60,000 being wasted every year, and a $300,000 misspend over five years. You can outsource this entire research protocol for roughly $30,000 to $60,000, and most of it will last you, on average, five years depending on how dynamic your industry is. The bottom line is you can’t afford to skip market research. It’s the primary driver of your ability to drive strong, predictable marketing outcomes.

The majority of marketing leaders and CEOs I’ve worked with over the years came to the table skeptical about the need for market research. I’ve heard hundreds of variations of “Why wouldn’t I just put that money into execution?” I get it. If you haven’t seen the power of market research firsthand, disbelief is natural. If you cannot let go of that thinking, however, and embrace quality research as the linchpin to predictable marketing, your odds of success drop substantially.

There are two types of research protocols—qualitative and quantitative—and utilizing both gives you the greatest advantage when building an informed results-guaranteed marketing strategy.

Qualitative research is used to determine the scope of beliefs about your brand and its place in the market that must later be vetted against a statistically valid audience science—which is your quantitative research. This quantitative vetting is necessary to ensure you have sufficient clarity and ammunition – which we can statistical significance – to craft a strategy with predictable outcomes. Think of qualitative research as the perceptions, opinions, and viewpoints that must be validated statistically through the hard numbers, which are your quantitative methods. Your research protocol should generally include these tools.

If you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to reach out at We’d be delighted to assist.

Why do I need qualitative and quantitative research?

Qualitative research is used to determine the scope of beliefs about your brand and its place in the market that must later be vetted against a statistically valid audience science—which is your quantitative research. To craft a results-guaranteed marketing strategy, it’s crucial to balance qualitative insights with quantitative analysis. Numbers alone are superficial metrics; they may reveal patterns but not the underlying motivations or sentiments that drive consumer behavior. Relying solely on quantitative data risks overlooking the emotional connections and personal reasons that attract people to a brand or sway them to favor one product over another. Combining quantitative and qualitative data provides a more comprehensive overview of market dynamics. These stories contextualize the statistics, providing a more in-depth understanding of the consumer experience.

However, solely focusing on qualitative data, such as interview anecdotes, can be restrictive. While these narratives are rich in detail, they may not reflect the broader market reality. Decisions based solely on these stories and consumer emotions might resonate with individual experiences but could fail to scale up to larger, statistically significant market trends.

A robust marketing strategy requires a harmonious blend of both data types, allowing for compelling narratives drawn from customer experiences to be validated by quantitative data, ensuring that your strategy resonates with individuals and aligns with the larger market context. The result is a well-rounded, evidence-based strategy with the power to guarantee results.

If you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to reach out at We’d be delighted to assist.

What do you research if I haven't done any of marketing before?

While our GO Plan service stands as our hallmark offering for most of our clients, there are times when a more flexible “Test & Pivot” approach is warranted. If your company is just dipping it’s toe into active marketing for the first time and/or you don’t yet have much of a customer base, then you’re a candidate for our Test & Pivot service because there is no past marketing performance to measure and you don’t have a sizeable customer base and prospect pipeline from which our market research team can gather market insights. Instead, we execute a highly streamlined research protocol, and swiftly pivot to crafting an experimental strategy. Our team plunges into dynamic A/B testing, exploring diverse channels, messaging blueprints, promotional strategies, and audience segments to unearth the most impactful strategy. It’s worth noting that while our Test & Pivot Marketing service is more budget-friendly initially, it does not carry our typical results guarantee, though often, Test & Pivot clients are eligible for a results guarantee plan by year two.

If you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to reach out at We’d be delighted to assist.

Which path to partnership is the best fit for you?